
Delicious salmon pie! Grandmas recipe.

My grandma always makes the most delicious salmon pie. It just happens I got the recipe! Today I made some because we're going to serve it during Restaurant day 18.5.2013. I needed some pictures and test it out... It's just so good I want to share it with you!

the bottom:
1,5dl wheat flour
4,5dl oats flakes
200g melted butter
mix all ingredients and spread it on a pie pan.

200g salmon
2dl cream
2,5 dl milk
3 eggs
1 bag of grated cheese

Lay the salmon on top of the bottom of the pie. Mix milk, cream and egs together, pour in the pan. Spread grated cheese on the top. Put in oven for 30 minutes in 200 degrees celcius until golden brown. Enjoy with some salad!

I also made some delicious breads with overcooked pork inside.

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